"Life without sin is a life without fun."- Black Hat
August 21, 2010
miss them....
Skrang dah pukul 5 pagi. Mata masih blom mengantuk. Nak makan toasted twister yang beli time bukak pose td pon msih lom de selera. Makan time bekfes nnt je la. Hi Hi Hi Hi... Bosan ahh minggu neh. Nak balik Ipow tp de miting plak malam. Nak siapkan literature review FYDP lagik. FYP punye dah setel dh, cume tinggal nak crik methodology then dah bley start ngan experiment. Rindu nak balik n lepak ngan Mazni. Dier mcm dh jdik my other half plak (sorry maz, cilok wording ko...hahahahahha). Plus, macam nak gi tgk kucen si Shyda neh. And nak mendengar latest update pasal si JIEJIK neh dri dorg. Untung2 dapat tgk Shyda sembur air lagik. Even baru kenal ngan kawan Maz 2, seronok lepak ngan dier. 1 thing 4 sure, she is a very happy-go-lucky kind of girl. We do have 1 thing in common, obsession towards CAT!!! With her and Mazni, feel like the world is in our hand. Nothing can stop us from doing any kind of silly things. From photoshoot at 12am along side the highway, to the cat-rescuing session at 2 in the morning. Every moment leaves smile on our face. Miss them. Especially my dearest cousin. She is the most unpredictable, unreasonableand insane person on earth that very close to me. And I already miss u a lot. Will see you soon!!!
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