May 25, 2011

birthday bash!!!!!

Semalam birthday bash adik Shikin. Ai sendiri pon dah lupe birthday adik dier hari ni, so celebration dier semalam la. Ai tot dorang neh main redah jek, rupe-rupenye si Shikin ngan Anys dah plan awal-awal sah benda neh. Siap dengan cake sume dah beli. Keje ai? Tangguk je la.. Hahahahahahaha

Celebration buat kat Airport. Err, macam mane nak describe eyh? Ai pon failed bab-bab nak describe benda neh, so bagi sape-sape yang stay kat Ipoh neh mebi faham la Airport mane yang ai maksudkan. bukan Airport as if airport kapal terbang landing tu. Ni Airport yang dekat area De Garden tu. Ade karaoke, de bar and pub gak. So the celebration went off over there. Sumenye happening. For the picca, nanti la ai upload kat fb. Or sape2 yang ade tag ai tu, tgk la. Malas gile la ai nak upload kat blog neh. Leceh...hahahahahahha...

That's all for now, enjoy reading y'all!!!!

p/s: sape nak wat besday surprise mcm tu kat aku plak????haish~~~

truly, deeply, madly enjoy,

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