ape je yang korang tahu pasal fisioterapi??meh sini kiter try selidiki maksud tersirat...huhu
wikipedia >> a health care profession which provides services to individuals and populations to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout life. This includes providing services in circumstances where movement and function are threatened by aging, injury, disease or environmental factors
orang sekeliling >> blajar jalan pakai palang berkembar (macam gimnastik 2) sambil di'observe' oleh doctor. Aca2 mcm dalam cerita "1 litre of tears". Ni aku dah survey sket2...

yang aku faham >> SAKIT yang amat!!!!celaka punya fisioterapi...taknak buat dah!!!!!huuuukkkkk~~(mcm bley lari jek....jalan pn terkehel2 lagik...haish~)

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